This 1817 map drawn by surveyor David Thompson shows a bearing running through a single house. I believe this is either the Colquhoun farmhouse left to Sutherland on Lot 10 or the family homestead left to his wife Elizabeth on Lot 15. The two islands to the right of the bearing line are the Lewis and Snyder Islands, colloquially known as Big and Little Colquhoun Islands. These islands were left to Robert’s son William.

When I went to the golf club I was given a 100th Anniversary catalogue celebrating the history of the Club as well as a golf cart for the afternoon. I felt ridiculous. I know nothing about golf and so didn’t know if I was contravening golf rules ripping around the greens counter clockwise. I also felt sad. There were signs everywhere warning about pesticide use and a lone Inuksuk in a garden. (Why are White people so obsessed with these Inuit cairns?) I found a lost golf ball in the brush with a logo for the Ontario Progressive Conservatives and it made me think about Oka. Every time I think about golf I think about the standoff at Oka. It was also kind of beautiful to be out on the open greens with rows of ancient trees dividing the holes. I wondered if Sutherland or Guy had planted any of these trees.

I know Robert left land on the Nutfield Tract Indian Reservation to his family. I wonder if he thought the land was his.