Vinyl Crash Pad

LEFT HEEL COUNTER - Blue Mountain Ski Hill, Ojibwa & Chippewa Territory, Saugeen Ojibway Nation Land Claim

“That was my last time on downhill skis. I think in hindsight I probably cracked a rib.”

I don’t downhill ski. I did go on one or two trips to Blue Mountain in school, and once with a church group. One time I racked out and went down most of the hill on my armpit before crashing into a fence. I didn’t tell anyone that for about a week it hurt to breathe.

It made me laugh when I realized what these crash pads were for: padding for extreme contact with the land. A violent, fast, and reckless conquest of the mountain. When I was a kid I didn’t know anything about land claims and Indigenous title when I visited Blue Mountain. I had certainly never heard the term “unceded territory.”