Vinyl Cooper Golf Bag

TOE CAP, VAMP, QUARTER - Cornwall Golf & Country Club, Colquhoun Farmhouse, Oka

Every time I think about golf, I think about the standoff at Oka.”

When Robert died in 1928 he left twelve lots of land and two islands to his family. In only 25 years he had acquired incredible wealth in Canada.

In 1858 Robert’s son Sutherland bought Lots 10, 11 & 12 from the Government who had made the “Indian Lands” available to Settlers for purchase. In 1926 Guy Carleton Colquhoun, Sutherland’s son, sold parts of Lot 11 & 12 to the Cornwall Golf and Country Club for $8000. The Colquhoun farmhouse was used as the Country Club until it burned down in 1951. Then the new Club House was built on the old foundation. I wonder how much this land is worth today.

When I went to the Cornwall Golf and Country Club and told them I was a descendant of the Colquhouns, they gave me a golf cart free of charge.