Seat Cover / Fart Cushion

RIGHT BACK QUARTER - Ditch beside Highway #2, Concession 1 Lot 1, Goodmurphy Farmhouse

“When I saw this lying in the ditch I immediately thought it might be a fart cushion.”

I don’t know why, but I did. After some googling and careful cleaning I’m pretty sure it is a cover for a car seat. I have no idea how it ended up on the side of the road. There was actually a lot of garbage along the side of the road including some old rope, an oil can and a Tim Horton’s cup.

Behind the Tim’s cup you can see the white and green farmhouse where Lawrence Goodmurphy lived with his wife and son. In 1880 Lawrence is listed in the Picton Ontario Gazetteer as a merchant of dry goods & clothing.  I imagine there would have been far less waste and frivolous use of goods and materials back then.