Brass Wire Snares

RIGHT HEEL PULL - Traditional Hunting Territory, Tsienatsiarorokta, Dish With One Spoon Territory

“We have always been here.”

That’s what Phillip White-Cree told me about the land north of the Kaniatarowanenneh (Big River), or the St. Lawrence River.

The land including the Nutfield Tract (and north up into Algonquin Territory towards the Ottawa River) was always used as “northern frontier” – hunting, fishing and trapping grounds by the Haudenosaunee. When I asked where people hunted today, he said: There IS no hunting!

I don’t have much experience hunting or fishing, but I snared rabbits with these brass wire snares one winter near Dawson City, Yukon. I also had a Firearms license once. I got it while at art school in Halifax. But that’s another story …