To make these sandals I visited sites of various Indigenous settlements and tried to find the boundaries of the Toronto Purchase (1787/1805).  The Toronto Purchase is an example of deceitful treaty negotiations (aka stolen land): the Crown discussed one set of boundaries in talks with Mississauga Chiefs but penned a second (larger) set of boundaries onto the map it finally produced.  Signatures of the Chiefs were found pasted to the map after the fact.

Material Archive & Research - Me (Toronto Sandals)

Fishing Float / Red & White Bobber

HEEL PULL - Ashbridges Bay, Unnegotiated Eastern Boundary of Toronto Purchase

Oak Leaf

INSOLE DESIGN - High Park, Serpent Mounds, Black Oak Savanna, Haudenosaunee Burial Grounds

Orange Flagging Tape

LEFT MID SANDAL STRAP - New Keating Channel, Portlands, Nichinggaakokanik / A Good Place for Pines

Pepperoni Packaging

RIGHT ANKLE BUCKLE - Adoobiikaag, Tonrontonhk, Place of Plenty

Bathing Trunks

LEFT ANKLE STRAP - Rouge River, Gichi-ziibi, Eastern limit of Mississauga of the Credit Territory

White Tarp

RIGHT HEEL STRAP - Etobicoke Creek, Adoobiikaag, Place of Alders, Unnegotiatied western boundary of Toronto Purchase

Canada 150 Bag

LEFT MID SANDAL STRAP - Don River, Wonscotonach, Pan Am Games Village

Garlic Bread Packaging

LEFT SANDAL TOE STRAP - Ashbridgesbay, lower end of the beach which forms the harbour

Driftwood Stick

SANDAL DECORATIVE PULL - Waterfront, Trees standing in the water, Tkaron:to,



My Land Acknowledgment

A Shameful Discovery