About This Project

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT starts with knowledge, and I know nothing (well, very little) about the true history of the land and land Treaties in Canada.  My Land Acknowledgement Shoes began when I realized that in order to honour and respect the land I live on I need to learn not just the history of Canada, but also my personal history as a SETTLER whose ancestors came here generations ago.


It’s time to make MY LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT personal.  I want to learn about the land where my ancestors first set foot in Canada and understand how this access to land privileges me today.  It’s about my feet now: where do I stand, and how do I walk?


Tracing back through my two grandmothers I have made footwear for myself inspired by the journeys of two men: Robert Colquhoun who came from Scotland to become a merchant and INDIAN AGENT on the Nutfield Tract in 1803 in Charlottenburg, Ontario, and Lawrence Goodmurphy who came from Ireland in 1822 and worked as a shoemaker, farmer and dry goods merchant near Wellington, Prince Edward County.


Who were my ancestors, how did they acquire land, and from whom?  I know the answers to these questions will be unsettling.  Can a White Settler like me ever repair my relationship with this land and the people who have always lived here?


All materials for these shoes were scavenged from the land where these men first set foot. For me this is an ongoing acknowledgement that everything comes from the earth and everything returns there too.