It took me a really long time to figure out what happened to the Mississauga people who met with Sir John Johnson and agreed to share their land with the Loyalists. The “Treaty” called the CRAWFORD PURCHASE left the Mississauga Nation with no access to their own land. Unlike other treaties negotiated at this time there were no reservations set aside and no retention of hunting and fishing rights.

As Loyalists (including Mohawk Loyalists from the Mohawk Valley) flooded into the region, the Mississauga of the Bay of Quinte were forced to move. In 1826 they were taken to a Methodist Mission or “Indian Day School” on Grape Island (seen on this map) where they were taught to read, write and farm. Many of these people eventually moved east to join the Alderville First Nation community.

I know the Mississauga never ceded any islands in the Crawford Purchase. I wonder if Lawrence ever went fishing at Salmon Point.