“I give devise and bequeath unto Elizabeth Colquhoun my dearly beloved Wife the dwelling House in which I now reside together with the Garden appurtenance thereto belonging and also all that part of Lot number fifteen on the north side of the Kings high way in the first Concession on the River St Laurence in the Indian Reservation to have and to hold to her during her widowhood and also all my household furniture of every kind and description one sixth in value of all my stock of cattle, sheep, pigs and one half of all Implements of husbandry.”

The rules of Specific and Comprehensive LAND CLAIMS today dictate that no land (misappropriated, unceded, or otherwise taken by the Government in the past) can displace current Settler landholders. This means land cannot be given back to Indigenous Nations, only paid for.

I know that Robert’s eldest son Walter purchased Lots 13, 14 & 15 in 1850 when the Government made the Nutfield Indian Lands available for sale.  I wonder how this land passed from private property into a conservation area?  I wonder who owns and maintains this land now?